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Osteopathy & Massage Therapy Services in Winnipeg, Manitoba

All treatments are approximately one hour long. The first appointment includes an extensive health history as well as a physical assessment, a hands on treatment, and a discussion about how to move forward with a treatment plan.


All subsequent appointments include a brief history intake to be kept up to date since your last appointment, assessment and full treatments. 

Caroline Treating Blonde Girl Lying DOwn Sleveless Gray Top - Osteopathy Winnipeg

Osteopathic manual therapy treatments include a variety of techniques. Osteopathic Manual Therapists are trained to do osteopathic manipulations (structural adjustment style techniques), myofascial release, muscle energy techniques, cranial-sacral techniques and visceral techniques.


Osteopathy Treatments

$140.00 (including GST)



Massage Therapy Treatments

$140.00 (including GST)

Hours of appointments

Monday to Friday

9:30am - 3:30pm


No evenings or weekend appointments available.

Caroline Black Cardigan Treating Female Patient - Manitoba Osteopath

The initial appointment will cover an in depth patient history of all things pertaining to the patient's complaint(s) of pain. This may entail asking the patient to go and ask for certain tests by their Physician or to bring copies of any and all tests performed by a physician to aid in the safety and knowledge in treating the patients’ complaint(s).


Once the interview portion has been completed and if there is time in the first appointment, the therapist will do an assessment and basic introductory treatment. This “intro” treatment is used to help explain what may be possible scenarios occurring with the patient. It also allows the therapist to ease the patient into treatment without overloading the body with too much therapy in the first treatment.

Initial Appointments

Davis Treating Patient Laying Down - Winnipeg Osteopath

The second treatment and all supplemental appointments will be a full assessment and treatment encompassing all the components that osteopathy uses. Each treatment may involve a direct physical contact with the affected area of the patient.


A light and intentional pressure is applied to the affected tissue with deliberate and specific motions. In some cases the intention may have more pressure when a direct intent is used, where as an indirect intent can have a lighter pressure due to the position of the tissues.

Ongoing Treatments

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